Fomo Handi-Foam HFO Slow Rise 2-12 Low Pressure Foam P12042

Fomo Products
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Fomo's latest Handi Foam is a low pressure, medium density, two-component pour-in-place (PIP) polyurethane foam system

Designed to fill cavities, molds, fixtures, holes, or voids. The foam can be dispensed into clean and dry voids of various size to fill, seal, insulate, provide buoyancy, strengthen, reduce vibration or deaden sound. Residential wall assemblies that use drywall or gypsum board may be prone to cracking or buckling due to either overfilling the cavity or plugging the pressure relief holes. HandiFoam Slow Rise can also be used as an SPF and sprayed onto vertical or horizontal surfaces.


  • Coverage: 12 cubic foot
  • Density: 2.1 lbs./ft3 (35.2 kg/m3)
  • Compressive Strength: 23 lbf/in2 (158.6 kPa) Parallel
  • Tack-Free Time: 60–90 seconds
  • Cuttable: 5-10 minutes
  • Title 33 : Meets the requirements for flotation
