Top 3 Places to Use Polyurethane Spray Foam at Home

During extreme weather months the temperatures outdoors are not the only ones affected by the seasonal changes. Indoor temperatures are affected as well. If a home is not well insulated, air from outside can leak in, and the air inside can leak out. This unwanted exchange causes energy loss and higher energy costs. In addition, some gaps even provide entrance for bugs. Using polyurethane spray foam is a great way to block air leaks and insects from coming in. When using it, there are a few places that should be considered top priority.

1. Attic

This is one of the most dreaded rooms in many homes. In an attic that lacks proper insulation, when it is scorching hot outside, the attic is scorching hot; when it is freezing outside, you could probably store frozen food in the attic without worry. This is because there are enough cracks and gaps in most attics to prevent much relief from outdoor temperatures.

Applying polyurethane spray foam in the attic seals the cracks and gaps that are restricting your control over the temperature in this room. When insulating the attic with foam, keep in mind that the walls and ceilings are your target areas. Once these areas have been covered, check for sources of air leaks that may have been missed in corners.

2. Basement

The basement is an area that typically receives much condensation, mold, and mildew. All of which only increase respiratory problems such as asthma. This is due to all of the humidity that gets trapped in the basement. Along with proper ventilation, sealing the air leaks in the basement with spray polyurethane foam can help curb this issue in the home.

When applying polyurethane spray foam in a basement, seal the areas where air is leaking from outside, causing drafts and energy loss. This includes electrical wiring compartments, pipes, around air vents, ducts, and all other areas where there are gaps leading from the basement outside.

3. The home’s exterior

Air leaks outside the home are just as important to cover as the ones inside. Typically, air comes into the home via outlets such as water faucets (where hoses are attached), and dryer vents (air should only be passed from the dryer, not the home). While these areas may seem small in comparison to the attic and basement, they provide a source of unwanted air exchange as well as an unwanted entrance to bugs and other critters.

Much less spray polyurethane foam is necessary to cover exterior leaks than for the basement and attic. Air leaks from exterior areas can be sealed from either outside or inside. This just depends on what is easiest for you. Apply the foam around the areas where the gaps are, and that will take care of the energy loss and prevent insects from entering through this area.

The use of spray polyurethane foam in the house is very beneficial. It reduces the amount of energy the home uses, which will both lower the carbon footprint of your home as well as the overall energy bill. According to Energy Star, through efficient sealing and insulating, as much as 20 percent can be saved on heating and cooling. This translates to approximately 10 percent on the overall energy bill, all while maintaining a healthy and comfy home.

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