LED Emergency Lights and Exit Signs are a Win-Win!

greenelDuring an emergency, the power often goes out and standard exit signs do not give off enough light to enable people to see down hallways or stairwells. LED emergency lights and exit sign combinations are a cost effective way to comply with building codes and help people safely exit a building.

Emergency signs are illuminated 24 hours a day. Incandescent emergency lights use about 40 watts of power compared to 5 watts used by LED signs. Multiply this amount by the number of exit signs in your facility, and you can calculate a considerable amount of savings which you will see on your monthly bill.

Another advantage of LED bulbs is that they usually last for at least 10 years. Incandescent and fluorescent lights on the other hand, only last for an average five months or one year respectively. This means that your maintenance costs will also decrease, as you won’t need to replace bulbs very often.

Easy to install, LED emergency exit signs are a fast and inexpensive way to make your building more safe and energy efficient.

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